National Infertility Awareness Week

At first I didn’t think I needed to write about infertility, maybe I still don’t, however I need to give credit where credit it due. After all, if it weren’t for infertility, Jason and I wouldn’t be going down the road to fostering.

For those suffering with Infertility:

I know
And I’m sorry
A great book to read is Hannah’s Hope by Jennifer Saake
Educate others
Please know that I am praying for you

If you know someone suffering with Infertility:

Be sensitive
Let them know you care
Don't tell them to relax 

I first saw this video here and just had to share it with you. Make sure to grab a tissue. Oh, and don’t worry, we’re the 1 in 8 couples, so you’re safe. 

What IF? A Portrait of Infertility from Keiko Zoll on Vimeo.

Be sure to check out her blog, here

For Infertility myths and facts, go here



mrs.pinkpearls said...

Thank you so much for posting this. I bawled my eyes out to this video too. Its amazing!!

Lolo said...

Thank you for posting this Kate. :)

Hurdles of Life said...

thanks for sharing!! I posted it to my FB account... everyone should see this, not just us IF'ers. xoxox M

Lauren said...

I saw this yesterday -- and yes I bawled my eyes out!!