This Mom Thing

is hard.

I took the girls to the doctor yesterday for what I thought would be a simple you're-in-you're-out thing only to find myself using the entire morning to do so. Our appointment was at 9:30. I mean, how long could it take to get K checked out since she tells me "my weiner hurts". Thank you, older brothers.

I haven't been to the pedi in like 15 years so I didn't know what to expect. A friend of mine works at the one we went to yesterday, so they graciously squeezed us in at the last minute. I took my file that I keep on the girls, everything from copies of their birth certificates to copies of their shot records and S's daily record from school.

After they asked me every question imaginable and weighed and measured both the princesses, we were led to the Dora and Diego room (Did you know there are actually two different shows? I learned that one last week, ya'll.) where we waited for Mary Poppins. Yes, she could have played the part with the dress she was wearing. She was perfect in all aspects of the word and I wish that navy blue with white polka dots dress would have fit me. She checked out K's "weiner" and said she has a yeast infection. Poor princess. So, off to Walmart we went to get some medicine and some sneakers for K since we never did buy her any.

I need to tell you that while in Walmart, S had a breakdown and cried for the majority of our trip probably because she was tired, but I was that mom that you see in the store with the crying child and she does nothing about it. Except I planted a huge smile on my face and said Good Morning to everyone we passed who dared make eye contact. 

By this time, they've missed lunch at school so we head on over to Chic-fil-A for nuggets and a romp in the play area before heading to school for a nap and playground time before Jason picks them up.

Someone should have told me that a simple doctor appointment was going to take all morning.

We did find out from the doc that both the girls are in serious need of their shots. They are way behind, so when the foster care worker comes over tonight for a house visit I will talk to her about getting them caught up and make yet another appointment for the girls to go back and see Ms Mary Poppins.

On another note, have I told you how excited both our moms are with the girls? MIL popped over unannounced the other night, and while I didn't completely appreciate that part of it, she had bought something for the girls and couldn't wait to give it to them. My mother came over last night to help Jason get the girls out of their car seats and fix dinner since I had a hair appointment. I don't usually talk to my mother this often, not that we don't want to, it's just the way our relationship works but she has called or emailed me every other day asking about the girls. I can tell she is just so excited to see them.

So, this mom thing rocks my world!



Quacken said...

Awesome that their doctor visits went well. I hope that they do well for their shots. I hate shots, so I know that they will probably hurt me once we have kids, more than they hurt the kids! :) Good job Mom! Keep up the good work.

Lauren said...

It is hard... especially when you start out with 2!! Praying for you and the girls!

Carter said...

Girl. You are one hot mama.

Lolo said...

It has to be hard being just thrown into mothering TWO little girls, but you're doing SUCH a great job! :)

mrs.pinkpearls said...

Your doing a great job!