Okla. Couple Fights to Give Back Adopted Son - They say he's violent and needs more help than they can offer

Okla. Couple Fights to Give Back Adopted Son - They say he's violent and needs more help than they can offer

So, my computer went nutso before I could comment on this video, so I will do so today. Although I don't really know where to begin. I see where the "parents" (and I use that term loosely) are coming from in a sense because the state of OK should have given them more information as to the boy's past and family background. OK should also be giving the "parents" more support right now. Of course, they very well could be, and we just aren't hearing about it.

But, on the other hand, I also see where the state of OK is coming from. Adoption is final. Children don't come with a receipt. There is no return policy. Ever.

So, how does this apply to our situation? Um, for starters, I'm hoping J and I aren't so naive when we are called with our first placement and ask all the right questions to get the most information we can. Secondly, I will make sure to keep my receipt so when things get rough, I can return or exchange for a better model.

*insert eyeroll here*

1 comment:

mrs.pinkpearls said...

Wow. I am shocked that they actually went public with this and are fighting for a law. I agree that a parent is a parent no matter what.